
Posts: 61
Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Thu Jun 19, 03 12:23 PM
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Construction on the new 1/4 mile racing facility in Banning, CA is scheduled to begin June 20th. The media will be there, along with some well-known racers and their cars to officially start construction on the project, which starts around 11am. It's about time!!

Posts: 1303
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Thu Jun 19, 03 3:17 PM
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i wish they would do somthing like that here. all we have is GLD and it sucks.
Posts: 2924
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Thu Jun 19, 03 7:08 PM
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just gotta say nice profile pic gtp go pontiac
and yeah we could all use a nice new track
what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 1303
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Thu Jun 19, 03 9:10 PM
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LOL, thanks. i thought someone would like it.
Posts: 327
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Sat Jun 21, 03 10:42 AM
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In reply to:
Poster: hooyeah
Subject: Re: Drag-City Construction Begins
just gotta say nice profile pic gtp go pontiac
and yeah we could all use a nice new track
i dont need one...i have Acto Raceway one the best and fastest tracks on the east coast
so far only known MN-12 chassis (cougar/tbird)ford lover on the site
Posts: 2924
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Sat Jun 21, 03 5:52 PM
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jsut face it you still want a better track :-p
what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
Posts: 327
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Sun Jun 22, 03 6:44 AM
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so far only known MN-12 chassis (cougar/tbird)ford lover on the site

Posts: 544
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Sun Jun 22, 03 10:32 PM
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man... i want a road-course... hehe... we have a drag racing strip which is a lot of fun... but I want somewhere we can test handling as well as acceleration... but that'd prolly be expensive as hell to insure and would cost an arm and a leg to drive your car out there... i mean... we have an AutoX circuit... but thats little and its made of cones... and them cones get confuzing... hehe... just a road course like the one the Nascar guys were racin on today... heh...
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Caddy 500ci. Fiero

Posts: 548
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 7:36 AM
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i got one about twenty minutes driver from here, so if i want to get into racing when im older ill be all ready. but theres a problem, safety laws are a lot stricter over here, and to legally compete in ANY speed event in a vehicle, you have to have all sorts of stuff like a rollcage, fire extinguisher, electrical cut off switches, ignitions cut off swicthes, an MSA reccomended crash helmet, bucket seats.................... all sorts of crap like that. whereas in america you can just turn up, pay your $10 and race, without paying a bomb to modify your car.
A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!

Posts: 1742
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 11:37 AM
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Actually, in road racing, (not autocross), you need all those items over here. Just feel lucky that your geological area embraces the cool types of racing, i.e. rally and circuit tracks

Posts: 544
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 11:44 AM
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I'm not sure about anywhere else... but here the amount of safety stuff you have to have depends on how fast your car runs the 1/4... altho... from what i've heard from the ppl on the fiero forum texas seems to be a lot less strict when it comes to regulations and such... some places if you run under a 13 you have to wear a helmet and have an ignition kill switch or somethin and a fire extinguisher? i donno... but here its like... if you run under a 12 you have to have a helmet and fire extinguisher... not sure about roll bar regulations or any of that... but i believe if your car runs the 1/4 at 150mph or higher you have to have a chute... I'm not exactly sure... most of the time you just drive up pay your $10 and get in line to race then go... not sure if they check your car out and everything... its pretty funny up there tho... you can always tell where the ricers park because there's always a back seat, front passenger seat, amps, subwoofer, speakers, hoods, spare tires, jacks, and pretty much anything else you can think of that involves the sound system of a car...
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Caddy 500ci. Fiero

Posts: 548
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 1:22 PM
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doncha have to go through some sort of scrutineering or test before they let you race? where they look over your car, check the engine and mountings, tyre pressures etc and check everything is ok? s'like that over here. but yeah, theres a lot of rallying and off road racing here. comp safaris and hill rallies theyre called. really cool to watch, people screaming past at 60 mph over bumps and jumps in beach buggies and stuff...... pretty impressive
A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!

Posts: 1303
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 1:39 PM
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I know here if you run a 11.80 or better you have to have a roll cage. and if you run over 120 mph on a bike, you need to wear full leathers.

Posts: 548
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 3:14 PM
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leathers eh? my dad used to street race motorbikes y'know. he slipped on a patch of black ice and went straight into a lampost at like 35 mph.
looked like someone had opened a packet of Tic-Tacs onto his face and surrounding area.
A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!

Posts: 544
Re: Drag-City Construction Begins Posted Mon Jun 23, 03 7:40 PM
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hehe... i dont think you HAVE to have a roll cage here... friend of mine's fiero runs an 11.5 and he doesn't have a cage and he used to run it all the time... Altho... i think he took that car apart and is building it with a bigger engine and better transmission... he'll be runnin that soon... and it'll be a lot faster than 11.5 still without a cage... hehe...
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Caddy 500ci. Fiero