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Main >> Import Forum Thread views: 1470

Posts: 6
Engine swap   Posted Fri Nov 19, 04   8:25 AM     

I live in Texas. I have a 99' civic hatch. Im about to order a GS-R engine and swap kit for it . Wher can I go in Texas to have the work done?

Posts: 221
Re: Engine swap   Posted Tue Nov 23, 04   1:04 AM     

Don't know man, you might want to check on one of the big honda sites or a Texas site, this place is more suited to the Coachella Valley. Good luck. Josh

the doctors say I have ADD, but the just don't understand, hey look! a chicken!

Posts: 185
Re: Engine swap   Posted Tue Nov 23, 04   10:30 AM u live around the dallas area..or better yet..richardson. if so go here . thats where ive gone for everything for my car. they beat any other deal that ppl have to offer on whatever it is. if ya end up going there tell yugi that nick sent ya : )