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Posts: 10
RAILED!   Posted Sun Oct 17, 04   1:31 PM     

Im so bummed, i had just put a crapload of body work into my '90 civic hatchback, not to mention the engine work too, when i was rolling home and it started to rain, the streets were perfect for a little drift sesh. So naturally i went to roost the wide streets of SB. I was comming up to a red light and it was about 12 30 at night and i thought that there would be n cars so i drift right when out of nowhere this lady in a fat SUV rails me from behind, completley tkaing out my back end, windsheild, body kit(with molding) taillights you name it, it was in peices on the street. Luckily i was left only with a minor concussion and nothing else. But when the cops came they told me that people have been calling all night reporting a car with my discription....bummer


Posts: 185
Re: RAILED!   Posted Sun Oct 17, 04   2:01 PM     

dang man..that sucks. it makes ya wonder if ya shouldnt have done it after all. do u regret it?

.....hope ya get ya car fixed..


Posts: 10
Re: RAILED!   Posted Sun Oct 17, 04   3:54 PM     

Hello no, i dont regret anything, it was only a learning experience


Posts: 185
Re: RAILED!   Posted Sun Oct 17, 04   7:19 PM way to look at it. yeah i kinda saw me getting a ticket a while back for speeding as a learning experience too. basically, GET A RADER DETECTOR! does anyone have any suggestions on a good one. ive heard of some that if u get a ticket the company for whicheever detecter you have will pay for it. well only certain ones.

Posts: 4
Re: RAILED!   Posted Sat Nov 27, 04   5:32 PM     

go to, they're reliable and pretty cheap.