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Main >> Import Forum Thread views: 1510


Posts: 4
Darknights   Posted Tue Jun 1, 04   11:11 AM     

Hey everyone, if anyone that is going to darknights in toronto, Ontario this year, I would like to know what dates it is on, and wondering if anyones has been there, how is it? Worthwhile or not?

Posts: 6
Re: Darknights   Posted Wed Jun 30, 04   9:41 AM     

Well i also want to know if anyone is going to ITB indy bash i heard they changed the dates so i am trying to find out.

Posts: 10
Re: Darknights   Posted Sun Aug 1, 04   4:09 AM     

I'm from toronto and one of my friends is a huge import fanatic. he hooked me up and i went out there and it sucked some serious ass. there were some cool cars but baisically just crappy rice rockets, with nitro and bolt-on turbos with coffee can exhausts.