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Main >> Import Forum Thread views: 893

Posts: 1799
10% Off Retail for Turbonetics Parts   Posted Mon Oct 27, 03   2:43 PM     

email me:

i currently have two deltagates, a handfull of boost control units (both 0-10 and 0-25psi versions) and a raptor bov. i can get anything they make for 10% under plus ship.


Cat'n'Mouse - '85 Jaguar XJ-S w/ SBC 383 Stroker; Moon Cross Ram Quad Sidedraft 45DCOE Webers; TCI 700R4; 2200 Stall; Dana 44 Indy Rear Axle w/ 2.88:1 Gears & Powr-Lok Posi; Goal: 185mph.