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Posts: 27
no....more street racein 4 me........YEA RIGHT   Posted Sat Nov 27, 04   11:54 AM     

Damn it sucks police say that if they catch us street racein we can go to jail fo r a very LONG ass time !.....but hell im so not gonna stop street raceing i gess i just wont get ways fo the people that live close to Corpus Christie,Texas...theres gonna be a BIG ass race ...if u wanna come all the people are gonna meet at the staples L8erz


Posts: 1646
Re: no....more street racein 4 me........YEA RIGHT   Posted Sat Nov 27, 04   2:54 PM     

Here in CA, if yoru caught streetracing, they impoudn yoru car for a month and you pay a fine. If it was one of those gatherings, then they destroy your car.

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"

Posts: 27
Re: no....more street racein 4 me........YEA RIGHT   Posted Sat Nov 27, 04   8:01 PM     

dang thank god they dont do that here cuz then a lot of ppl wont have cars