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Main >> General Forum Thread views: 890

Posts: 11
new   Posted Wed Oct 27, 04   8:27 AM     

hey i have 10grand and i cant figure out what kind of car(used) to get i can get a rx-7 but needs some work or i can get a civic that is in running condition

Posts: 1395
Re: new   Posted Thu Oct 28, 04   2:54 PM     

depending on just how much work, and how many miles it has, I would recommend going with the RX-7, unless you'd rather have the honda cause that's ten grand you ain't getting back, so make sure you choose the one you really want, not what any of us tells you to get (myself included).

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.