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Devastating Mic Controller...   Posted Thu Nov 14, 02   9:56 PM     

god damn i am bored tonight. been at work for...hmmm, 12+ hours straight to go buy a pack of smokes and a coffee earlier....other than that i've been stuck here since 9...

so i found some neat shit on the internet:


this dork has a delorean. he also has the ability to catalogue more information than i have ever read about these amazing automobiles and their PRV engines...thanks to hooyeah, i found his site.


these crazy bastards found a squadron of wwii planes frozen under 286 feet of ice in greenland. they burrowed a 12 foot diameter hole down to one, disassembled it and send it up through the hole. restored it and flew it around last month.


read what people with too much money do on their spare time...and watch them ignore my bastards.


this is my business, i don't own it, i just work for em. it's what i do for a living. i did all the graphics on that site...none of the code though. it's all pretty old, but if you go to the next site you'll see what i was doing today.


if that works, my boss did his job right tonight. if not, you'll have to wait to see my most recent handiwork. and my ability to fuck with bums sleeping in bart stations from the comfort of my leather office chair. we're installing a remote control content on demand system for our bay area rapid transit (bart aka san francisco subway) plasma screens with integrated ticker tape. so i can basically watch the web cam until someone looks and the screen then write 'FUCKYOU' across the screen for a split second and watch their yeah, #5 is the url for the webcam at the location of our demo screen (all the rest of the screens just loop a dvd full of ads)...this one is dynamic.

can you tell how bored i am?


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.