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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 2170

Posts: 11
Video: Live from NMCA Fastest Street Car Shootout,   Posted Sun Jun 4, 06   5:31 AM     

Video: Live from NMCA Fastest Street Car Shootout, Ohio this weekend!

If anyone wants to check it out, all of the qualifying video has been posted of the NMCA event from Saturday at National Trail Raceway.

There are some incredible wheelstands from Tony Orts in Xtreme Street - one rear launch video where he pretty much put it on the bumper, then pedaled it, and still ran a mid 8-second run!

Click Here to Watch the Video

Posts: 1395
Re: Video: Live from NMCA Fastest Street Car Shootout,   Posted Sun Jun 4, 06   12:13 PM     

Okay, but which one is yours?

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.