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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 35820

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Posts: 1395
Re: Advice for a 1999 Ford Mustang?   Posted Thu Sep 1, 05   6:10 PM     

Unfortunately sometimes innocents (like the car) have to suffer in order for idiots to be taught lessons. Just know that it died for a good cause.

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Posts: 55
Re: Advice for a 1999 Ford Mustang?   Posted Fri Sep 2, 05   9:06 PM     

Hmm, I guess so. Also tells those Ricers what not to do.. I hope, kinda, not really actually. They can blow their engines.


Posts: 1646
Re: Advice for a 1999 Ford Mustang?   Posted Fri Sep 2, 05   10:22 PM     

Its harder to =p

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO
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