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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 3411

Posts: 17
Dodge neon   Posted Tue Mar 29, 05   9:13 AM     

I just got a 1996 Dodge Neon RT.I just ordered a turbo and a full exhaust.I dont know what to do next.

Posts: 1395
Re: Dodge neon   Posted Tue Mar 29, 05   11:40 AM     

install it? that's what I'd do. then maybe the intake, get it blueprinted. have fun with it.

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 616
Re: Dodge neon   Posted Thu Mar 31, 05   5:17 PM     

Brus, you must have a shit load of cash. I mean you posted on the 29th that you have a 300zx turbo and now on the 30th you have a dodge neon. Make up your mind champ, or at least say you sold and bought a new car. I find it quite funny they way you post.


Check it out it's like this....
If I lose, winner takes my happy meal.
But if I win, I take the burger AND the TOY!
To some people thats more important.
Posts: 62
Re: Dodge neon   Posted Tue Jun 14, 05   6:36 PM     


Posts: 1
Re: Dodge neon   Posted Sun Jun 19, 05   6:44 PM     

thats funny i have 3 neons and as far as i know there was never an r/t in 96, r/t are only 98/99 models you might of goten a lowline, highline,sport or acr but not an r/t