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Posts: 2
------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale-------   Posted Tue Jul 2, 02   7:18 AM     


If you've been looking around for a great DSBC, now is the time to buy. This DSBC is now on ebay for a starting bid of only $100 (plus shipping). You can't even get a TurboXS DSBC for that price. They sell for $239!

Please check out the link below - you'll probably like what you see!

Thank you,


P.S. - Please contact me if you would like to purchase one outside of ebay at They'll be $115 plus shipping.

Posts: 1387
Re: ------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale-------   Posted Tue Jul 2, 02   8:03 AM     

But that's not all!!! Click now and recieve this new jinkoso knife. It slices, it dices, and you can't cut yourself!! It's made of the sharpest rubber in the world!!!

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 121
Re: ------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale-------   Posted Tue Jul 2, 02   9:36 AM     

wow! ill take 5!

Posts: 2
Re: ------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale-------   Posted Tue Jul 2, 02   10:05 AM     

Hey you know what.... If you give me three of those knives, I'll send you one free of charge, OK? Sounds like a deal to me! I've been looking for one of those for quite a while now!!