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Main >> Classifieds Thread views: 2268

Posts: 4
FS: AEM EMS for Civic USED w/new wideband O2 $600   Posted Sun Mar 27, 05   1:16 PM     

Selling a used EMS from my 95 Civic.Used it for about 6 months with no problems.If you're familiar with this product, you already know what an excellent tuning piece it is.I ran it on my civic after we installed a turbo.It helped out SO MUCH on the dyno.I saw gains accross the map! I also have a wideband O2 that I never installed bc the place I took it to dyno supplies you with a wideband when you pay to run.Both parts are still under warranty through AEM.Email me if you're interested! Thanks, Eli --paypal certified/preferred--

Posts: 13
Re: FS: AEM EMS for Civic USED w/new wideband O2 $600   Posted Sun Mar 27, 05   1:19 PM     

Have you tried selling it on eBay?

Posts: 4
Re: FS: AEM EMS for Civic USED w/new wideband O2 $   Posted Sun Mar 27, 05   5:08 PM     

Not yet.I ebay on occasion, but id rather sell it without having to pay the auction fees! last time i sold a part on there i had to pay $20.00 for a descent post, then $30 more for a final value fee.thats $50 out of my pocket just for using basically, id much rather post it on a couple forums for free.somebody will buy at that price! -

Posts: 14
Re: FS: AEM EMS for Civic USED w/new wideband O2 $600   Posted Thu Apr 21, 05   8:13 PM     

do u you still have the ems ? please let me know i will get it from you