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Posts: 15
P A R T S W A N T E D!   Posted Tue Nov 12, 02   5:42 PM     

I"M Looking for Parts for my 65' Chevy Pick-up
and for my 70' Chevy Nova.

Anyone know who may have parts for them?
It would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also, Looking for Mopar Parts. I've got a 383
B.B. Chrysler going into my 95' Dodge Dakota.
I Need a GOOD 727 Trans, a nice rear end, and
what ever other good parts you may have.

All Your help, would be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 1799
Re: P A R T S W A N T E D!   Posted Tue Nov 12, 02   5:44 PM     

for the 727 torqueflite go to :


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.